public sub allinternalpasswords()
\’ breaks worksheet and workbook structure passwords. bob mccormick
\’ probably originator of base code algorithm modified for coverage
\’ of workbook structure / windows passwords and for multiple passwords
\’ norman harker and je mcgimpsey 27-dec-2002 (version 1.1)
\’ modified 2003-apr-04 by jem: all msgs to constants, and
\’ eliminate one exit sub (version 1.1.1)
\’ reveals hashed passwords not original passwords
const dblspace as string = vbnewline & vbnewline
const authors as string = dblspace & vbnewline & _
\”adapted from bob mccormick base code by\” & _
\”norman harker and je mcgimpsey\”
const header as string = \”allinternalpasswords user message\”
const version as string = dblspace & \”version 1.1.1 2003-apr-04\”
const repback as string = dblspace & \”please report failure \” & _
\”to the microsoft.public.excel.programming newsgroup.\”
const allclear as string = dblspace & \”the workbook should \” & _
\”now be free of all password protection, so make sure you:\” & _
dblspace & \”save it now!\” & dblspace & \”and also\” & _
dblspace & \”backup!, backup!!, backup!!!\” & _
dblspace & \”also, remember that the password was \” & _
\”put there for a reason. don\’t stuff up crucial formulas \” & _
\”or data.\” & dblspace & \”access and use of some data \” & _
\”may be an offense. if in doubt, don\’t.\”
const msgnopwords1 as string = \”there were no passwords on \” & _
\”sheets, or workbook structure or windows.\” & authors & version
const msgnopwords2 as string = \”there was no protection to \” & _
\”workbook structure or windows.\” & dblspace & _
\”proceeding to unprotect sheets.\” & authors & version
const msgtaketime as string = \”after pressing ok button this \” & _
\”will take some time.\” & dblspace & \”amount of time \” & _
\”depends on how many different passwords, the \” & _
\”passwords, and your computer\’s specification.\” & dblspace & _
\”just be patient! make me a coffee!\” & authors & version
const msgpwordfound1 as string = \”you had a worksheet \” & _
\”structure or windows password set.\” & dblspace & _
\”the password found was: \” & dblspace & \”\” & dblspace & _
\”note it down for potential future use in other workbooks by \” & _
\”the same person who set this password.\” & dblspace & _
\”now to check and clear other passwords.\” & authors & version
const msgpwordfound2 as string = \”you had a worksheet \” & _
\”password set.\” & dblspace & \”the password found was: \” & _
dblspace & \”\” & dblspace & \”note it down for potential \” & _
\”future use in other workbooks by same person who \̶
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